TTC Trip Planner

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to test the beta version of the TTC Trip Planner. After a few hours of exploring I feel that it is a useful tool for people who are searching for the fastest way of getting to their destination but not necessarily the simplest. The route selected by the trip planner is always the quickest one based on time of arrival or departure inputted.

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This could include taking two buses and a subway over a more direct route such as waiting for one bus. In situations when transit riders are flexible with their departure and arrival times it would be best to present all viable routes and not just the quickest momentary route. The Star has mentioned that the TTC has already realized the need for alternative routes but is important to highlight for people using the planner now that it only calculates the quickest route at the time specified.

I tested various landmark distances and the planner provided me with a proper transit route with a reasonable ETA. Street addresses and intersection names work well, and in no instances did I receive an incorrect route which is the fundamental purpose of this trip planner. Overall I feel that the TTC Trip Planner is a useful tool and with the TTC already recognizing where it can make improvements it is a good sign of their commitment to making transit easier for the public. I think the TTC Trip Planner has the most potential as a mobile application which is promised at some point, as it will be very useful for people on the go.

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