John Tory "laser-focused" on making sure TTC remains underfunded

TTCriders, a membership-based transit advocacy organization, released the following statement in response to Mayor John Tory’s announcement of past accomplishments: 

“Instead of a vision to rebuild transit ridership and make the TTC safer and more accessible, John Tory simply announced a list of things he has already tried to accomplish. This leaves transit riders waiting - literally - for the next four years.

"Under Tory’s leadership, the TTC continues to face big challenges like ongoing budget shortfalls and rebuilding transit ridership - currently less than 70% - but you wouldn’t know it from reading the Mayor’s press release.

"Rapid transit projects are years away. TTCriders is calling on all candidates to immediately fund the Fair Pass TTC discount program for low-wage workers, roll out 10 bus and streetcar lanes in the next term of City Council, and increase service frequency to rebuild transit ridership.

"TTCriders is surveying all candidates about their commitments to increase service, lower fares, and prioritize transit on our streets. Most candidates have answered the survey, but Mayor Tory has not completed it.”


TTCriders survey:

John Tory's announcement:

Shelagh Pizey-Allen
(416) 309-9026

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