Torontonians want a new TTC leader that actually represents riders

TTCriders caught this TTC advertisement a few weeks ago requesting applications for a new TTC CEO. When we reviewed the
qualifications listed we found them to be inadequate. Yes the ideal candidate should have experience leading  a “…. complex, multi-stakeholder organization” but what about asking for someone who also has everyday experience riding transit? Or for someone who has experience on the front-lines like a former TTC operator? We want the next head of the TTC to represent the ACTUAL RIDERS  not someone who doesn’t have any real-world experience outside of a boardroom. So with that in mind we made our own aspirational job ad for the The People’s TTC leader TTC logo with a 'fight the power 'fist in the middle

The people’s TTC leader

The ideal candidate for the head of  the TTC will have the following combination of knowledge and experience: Has a clear understanding of the actual purpose of public transit, namely, to enable the mobility of people. This means this person has experience designing and implementing systems that meet the actual needs of riders. Has a clear understanding of who public transit should serve, namely, everyone. Everyone includes students, financially underprivileged individuals, and people with mobility assistance devices. Knows that public transit relies on public funding and resources and has a track record of working to build and maintain this support by calling upon all governments to enable this essential public service. A track record of speaking truth to power. Many public officials won’t mention  projects that are too politically sensitive or that they think won’t get funding. We want a leader who has and will continue to stand up to politicians and fight for the right transit projects and maintenance initiatives that help  people get around the city safely and quickly. Has a clear understanding that public transit is about serving the public interest and is not about milking public resources for the gain of corporate, profit-driven interests that destroy the integrity of this service by jacking up fares and creating precarious working conditions such as low-wages, insecure employment and the absence of benefits. If you meet all of these criteria, please apply to the TTC's job posting. They really need people like you. Do you have any thoughts about this? Contact me at marco<at> 

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