Toronto-wide transit blitz urges federal parties to commit emergency funding

Toronto-wide transit blitz urges federal parties to commit emergency funding

Transit, environment, student groups rally to stave off service cuts


September 14, 2021 (Toronto, ON) -- Volunteers across Toronto handed out thousands of flyers to commuters to raise the alarm about Canada’s transit funding crisis.  A national coalition of transit and environmental groups is urging federal parties to commit to ongoing funding for transit operating costs. 


Toronto-wide transit blitz urges federal parties to commit emergency funding

Transit, environment, student groups rally to stave off service cuts

September 14, 2021 (Toronto, ON) -- Volunteers across Toronto handed out thousands of flyers to commuters to raise the alarm about Canada’s transit funding crisis.  A national coalition of transit and environmental groups is urging federal parties to commit to ongoing funding for transit operating costs. 

“World-class cities are lowering fares and improving service to win back transit riders,” said TTCriders spokesperson Sujata Thapa. “But without ongoing transit operations funding from the federal government, the TTC could cut service and increase fares.”

The TTC is facing a deficit in 2021 of $126 million and ongoing deficits for years to come. The federal government provided emergency transit funding under the Safe Restart Agreement, but funding has run out. 

“There will be no economic recovery without a thriving transit system,” said Gideon Forman of the David Suzuki Foundation. “Millions of Canadians have been depending on transit during the pandemic and need continued federal support to keep it moving.”

The Toronto Transit Commission will debate a new 5-Year Fare Plan this Fall. TTCriders released a report in June 2021, recommending measures to win back transit users, including expanding free TTC to high school students and people receiving social assistance, and lower fares for post-secondary students and working poor residents. 

“As teachers and students return to school, expanding transit service and making fares affordable is essential,” said Michelle Teixeira of OSSTF. “Transit should never be a barrier to receiving  an education. That’s why OSSTF-Toronto supports the expansion of free transit to high school students, which will require additional TTC funding support.”

“Public transit is getting post-secondary students to school and must be invested in with ongoing operating funding,” said Steph Rychlo Vice-President Equity & Campaigns. “Students are also calling on the TTC to expand discounts to part-time students, who are often working multiple jobs.” 


MEDIA CONTACT: Shelagh Pizey-Allen, [email protected]

Keep Transit Moving Coalition election platform: 

TTCriders report “Transform the TTC: Pandemic Fare Recovery Policies”:

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