It's time to make the King Street Pilot permanent - and even better!

Things have been quiet on the King Street Pilot front so far this year... but that is about to change!

A final report from the City about the pilot is set to come out next week and will include an evaluation of the project's success and recommendations on how to move forward. The report will be presented to City Council's Executive Committee and the TTC Board before going to City Council for a vote.

This means that the future of King Street, and the fate of the transit priority measures put in place through the King Street Pilot, will be decided over the next three weeks by City Council.

It's time for us to let City Council know to make the King Street Pilot permanent - and even better.

The year-long pilot has made travel on King Street more reliable and pedestrian-friendly. It has also boosted transit ridership by over 10,000 passengers because transit has become faster and more reliable. Here’s what King St. users are saying[1]:

  • 89% of regular riders say service is faster and more reliable
  • 87% of people who walk regularly on King say it is more pedestrian-friendly
  • 76% of respondents said they’ve visited local retailers either more often or as often as they had before the pilot project
The decision will happen over several weeks, with a final report going to the Executive Committee and TTC Board before it is voted on at City Council. Here are the key dates and how you can engage: Have you signed our new petition calling on City Council to make the King Street Pilot permanent & even better? Show your support now:

Are you part of an organization or business that would like to join the King for All Coalition? Email [email protected] to add your name to the growing list of supporters.

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