The King Street Pilot is working!

Newly released data from the City of Toronto from May and June confirms that the King Street pilot is working!

The 504 streetcar is the busiest surface transit route in the city, with 72,000 riders per day before the pilot began. But we all know that the street wasn’t working for anyone - traffic congestion made it faster to walk than take transit, and overcrowding and unreliable travel times discouraged people from taking the streetcar to travel along King Street.

By prioritizing streetcar traffic we have seen great improvements in streetcar service, with improved reliability and reduced travel times. The new data from May and June shows:

  • the slowest streetcars during the evening commute are 4-5 minutes faster
  • a 6% average increase in reliability during peak service
And people have responded. In June we saw 80,000 riders per day taking the 504 streetcar - that's an 11% increase in all-day ridership! 

New Moneris point-of-sale data also shows no significant impact in sales along the street, which was a concern early on in the pilot.

The success of this pilot demonstrates that there are cost effective ways to improve service and increase the number of people travelling along key surface routes across the city.

Have you showed your support for the King Street Pilot? Visit We ♥ King to join TTCriders and the King for All Coalition in supporting the pilot.

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