Tell-a-friend about TTCriders

Can you help us recruit new supporters to join us?  To make it easy for you we’re incentivizing you to take action. For every person you convince to become a member we’ll give you another chance to win the December monthly metropass. All you need to do is share the Tell-a-Friend email below to your network.   

I’m a member of TTCriders, and I’m writing to invite you to become a member as well.

TTCriders is a small and powerful membership-supported advocacy organization that campaigns relentlessly for better public transit and lower fares on behalf of transit riders.

Membership starts at $20 a year, and we have a new monthly member sustainer program, starting at $5 a month.  

Now is great time to become a member of TTCriders.  Here’s why.  

  1. You get to enter the membership draw to win a December monthly metropass (or equivalent value on a Presto card). And extra bonus! For every friend you convince to become a member we’ll give you another chance to win. Offer ends Oct. 31.

  2. This is a very important time to support us. We are at a key juncture in our campaign to get a low income pass. City Council will vote on this issue on October 26. The TTC is also facing a huge budget crisis; we are getting big fare hikes and service cuts unless we take action. And we’re taking action. We organized the soefficientithurts campaign mocking the ridiculousness of budget cuts.  We just hosted a 150-person Race to the Bottom rally to show who is responsible for the budget crisis. And we’ve got some really exciting ideas in the works.
  1. We get results. The Union Pearson train is more affordable. The Federal Government has just announced that it will contribute nearly $1 billion to the TTC’s capital budget.  The Eglinton East LRT is back on the table, and we convinced City Council to reverse the Rob-Ford TTC service cuts.  
Every important idea for social change has come from grassroots groups like TTCriders.  For our vision for better transit to become reality we must be supported by the time and money of dozens, hundreds or thousands of transit riders.  People like you and me.

Join today.

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Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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