Take action for safe buses! Call for more service, masks, and vaccine priority for transit workers

Take action for safe buses by calling your MPP and City Councillor! Scroll down for a phone script and numbers to call. 

TTCriders is calling on the TTC and all three levels of government to:

Add more bus service on crowded TTC routes

  • Transit users have been sharing photos and stories of crowded commutes, where physical distancing is not possible.1
  • The TTC knows where and when crowding happens, through automatic passenger counters on buses.2 They must add more service and manage it to avoid crowding. 
Prioritize TTC workers for vaccine access
  • More than 800 TTC workers have tested positive for COVID-19.3
  • Of the 163 TTC workers who have tested positive for COVID-19 since April 8, 2021, 36% are bus operators.4
  • Transit workers can’t work from home and they are driving other essential workers in healthcare, grocery, and food distribution to work.
  • Under the current provincial plan, transit workers will be eligible to book vaccinations as of May 10 but there is no targeted plan to vaccinate transit workers. The  TTC could take proactive steps like organizing worksite vaccine clinics to ensure all workers can access vaccination.
  • The TTC hires some temp agency workers who don’t have paid sick days or other protections.
Distribute more masks on buses
  • Transit riders have been raising the problem for months that not all riders are wearing masks and there is no plan to ensure that masks are worn.5 
  • Instead of putting resources into fare policing, the TTC should redirect staff to distribute more masks and ask riders to wear them. 
Provide ongoing transit operating funding 
  • The transit funding model needs to change. We need safe service levels, but fewer riders during the pandemic means the TTC cannot keep relying on rider fares for most of its operating budget.6 
  • The provincial and federal governments provided emergency transit funding through the Safe Restart Agreement, but it must be extended. The TTC projects fewer riders and budget shortfalls for years to come.  
  • Funding shouldn’t come with strings attached, like conditions for privatization and service cuts.7 
Phone script for Premier Ford (416) 325-1941 and provincial MPPs / federal MPs

“Hello, my name is ___________.

I’m calling about safety on the TTC. I urge you to add more service to busy routes now and prioritize transit workers for vaccine access. Crowding on bus routes is unacceptable! 

This is why you must ensure transit workers can access vaccines immediately and provide permanent transit operating funding so the TTC can add more service.”

Who to call: 

Premier Doug Ford: (416)-325-1941

MPP Christine Elliott (Minister of Health): 416-327-4300

MPP Caroline Mulroney (Minister of Transportation): 416-327-9200

MPP Vijay Thanigasalam (Assistant to Min. of Transportation): 416-283-8448

MPP Kinga Surma (Associate Minister of Transportation): 416-234-2800

Find your local MPP’s number: https://www.ola.org/en/members/current


Phone script for Mayor Tory (416) 397-2489 and City Councillors

“Hello, my name is ___________.

I’m calling about safety on the TTC. I urge you to add more service to busy routes now and help prioritize vaccinations for transit workers. Crowding on bus routes is unacceptable! 

This is why you must add more service where it’s needed and make a plan to ensure everyone is wearing a mask. Instead of fare police, hire staff to distribute masks.”  

Who to call: 

Mayor John Tory: (416) 397-2489

Find your local City Councillor phone number: https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/council/members-of-council/



  1. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/crowded-bus-photo-ttc-extra-service-essential-workers-safety-toronto-pandemic-1.5988346 
  2. http://ttc.ca/Riding_the_TTC/Real_Time_Passenger_.jsp
  3. http://www.ttc.ca/EmployeeHealth/index.jsp
  4. https://shelleycarroll.ca/vaccinate-transit-workers
  5. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/07/07/ttc-riders-question-the-lack-of-enforcement-after-maskless-subway-protest.html
  6. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ttc-2021-budget-1.5845899
  7. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ttc-2021-budget-1.5845899

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