Take action: Tell the province to provide better funding for public transit

TTCriders wrote a follow-up a letter to Metrolinx responding to their shortlist of revenue tools to fund transit expansion in the GTHA in advance of the release Metrolinx releasing its final investment strategy. The strategy includes a 1% increase to HST, a 5-cents per litre increase in gas tax, a business parking levy, and a 15% increase in development charges.

TTCriders was pleased to see that Metrolinx has dropped fare increases from its list of options in its report on revenue tool to fund The Big Move. But we need to see more action from policy makers to consider corporate taxes to help fund transit expansion, keep fare increases off the table, and start a real discussion by the province about funding existing transit operations and service.

We encourage all TTC riders to write to the provincial political parties and show your support including corporate and high-income taxes as part of the funding strategy, make it clear fare increases are not acceptable, and call for provincial funding for both transit expansion and operations.

Read our letter to Metrolinx here.

Send a letter to MPPs at the three provincial political parties.

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Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie is promising to install barriers on all TTC subway platforms in Toronto if she becomes premier, an idea that has long been studied by TTC staff but could potentially cost billions if implemented across the network.

Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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