Ripping up plans will delay new transit, say riders groups


Ripping up plans will delay new transit, say riders groups

April 10, 2018 (Toronto, ON) – Transit advocacy groups TTCriders and Scarborough Transit Action say that the provincial government’s transit plans announced today will delay new lines and leaves Eastern Scarborough without rapid transit.

"Premier Ford wants to start from scratch. Sending projects back to the drawing board is guaranteed to cost us more and delay new lines,” said TTCriders spokesperson Shelagh Pizey-Allen. “We can’t afford to go backwards. Our transit needs funding, not political meddling.”

The province’s proposed map removes Eglinton East LRT (EELRT). The EELRT was approved to be built in a single phase by Toronto’s Executive Committee yesterday, but lacks funding.  

“Premier Ford is leaving eastern Scarborough communities off the map and wants to tear up our city’s transit plans,” said Brenda Thompson, a Scarborough resident. “The Eglinton East LRT is ready to build this year, but is unfunded. We are outraged that we are being kept waiting for a rapid public transit network.” 

The Premier’s plan scraps the planned Relief Line and would use an as-yet unspecified technology that would not be integrated with the TTC. The line would no longer run North to Sheppard, leaving out low-income and working class communities in need of rapid transit. 

The Yonge Line is already becoming dangerously overcrowded. We can’t afford to have more delays and to use untested technology with the Relief Line.” said TTCriders member Herman Rosenfeld. “A “free-standing” Relief Line sounds an awful lot like a privatized, Union Pearson Express-style line that most people won’t be able to afford.” 

A town hall to save the Eglinton East LRT has been organized for Wednesday April 10th at the Mid Scarborough Hub from 6pm-8:30pm, including the following speakers: Councillor Paul Ainslie, Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, Hana Syed (Scarborough Campus Students Union), and Mimi Lau (Scarborough Community Renewal Organization).





Brenda Thompson, Scarborough Transit Action

Shelagh Pizey-Allen, TTCriders


Jenna Scott

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