Panel: A Public Infrastructure Bailout

The Canadian government is planning to spend billions on infrastructure to stimulate the economy and recover from COVID-19, including new transit projects and green infrastructure. But the federal Canada Infrastructure Bank invests in public-private partnerships, which cost the public more and are less accountable to us.

Join experts and activists to learn about infrastructure privatization in Canada and why projects like transit and water must be publicly owned and democratically controlled.

Sunday May 3rd, 1pm-2pm 

RSVP via Eventbrite to receive the livestream link 

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Vi Bui, Council of Canadians

Stuart MacKay, Ottawa Transit Riders

Robert Ramsay, Canadian Union of Public Employees

Moderated by Vincent Puhakka, TTCriders

Register through Eventbrite to receive a link to the online videoconference on the morning of the event.

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