Toronto transit riders and workers call on Premier Ford to legislate employer-paid sick days


Transit workers and riders have come together to call for universal employer-paid sick days because it will make public transit safer and make transit workplaces fairer. Paid sick days are  urgently needed to save lives and curb the spread of COVID 19.

We, the undersigned, support the Decent Work & Health Network call for seven (7) permanent paid sick days for all workers and an additional fourteen (14) days during public health outbreaks. We will encourage our members to get involved in the campaign for paid sick days.  


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Paid sick days will make transit safer for everyone 

Without provincially-legislated paid sick days, people are travelling to work on transit while sick. This puts other passengers and transit workers at risk. The lack of paid sick days has especially hurt Black, Indigenous, workers of colour and women workers who are over-represented in frontline jobs, with low pay, few benefits, and without the ability to work from home.


Every transit worker needs employer-paid sick days

Not all TTC workers have access to paid sick days, because some TTC work has been contracted out to private companies and temp agencies, where workers have fewer protections. This is why we support keeping transit public. Provincial legislation is needed to make sure that every worker in Ontario has access to paid sick leave. 


Join the movement for paid sick days for all! 

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