Our Takeaways from the TTC’s 5-Year Service Plan Stakeholder Workshop

The TTC held a public consultation meeting on Tuesday June 19th to share and seek feedback on issues explored in the 5-Year Service Plan and 10-Year Outlook. Local advocacy groups, community organizations, partner agencies, and the local public attended this stakeholder meeting to bring their ideas to the table and identify potential opportunities in the city that need to be addressed.

The goal for the meeting was to identify realistic new service and infrastructure improvements that will influence change and transform the TTC in the next 5 years.

Here are six things we heard from participants at the workshop:

1. This plan needs to be AMBITIOUS. It needs to set out a concrete path towards improving our transit network while simultaneously ringing the alarm that more funding is desperately required.

2. The priority should be on SOCIAL INCLUSION and EQUITY. The plan needs to identify what service improvements will have the biggest impact on residents in Neighborhood Improvement Areas.

3. We need to take advantage of momentum from the success of the King Street Pilot and INVEST in transit priority. These solutions are cost effective, quick to pilot and implement, and under the city’s control.

4. Having INTEGRATION between transit systems so people have safe and reliable connections is imperative as two new Metrolinx lines open in Toronto in the coming years.

5. Mid-town residents are scared about dangerous OVERCROWDING on the Yonge Line once the new LRTs open. Interim solutions need to be funded in the next 5 years while we wait for a relief line. For example, dedicated bus lanes along North-South routes or a single fare for GO, UPX, and the TTC could provide some relief.

6. The TTC needs to work with the COMMUNITY to find good solutions for their neighbourhood. For example, identifying and formalizing natural pathways that everyone takes to get from their local community center or grocery store to the nearest bus stop or re-routing a local bus so that it passes by these common destinations, even if its not the fastest way from A to B.

The TTC seems eager to listen to the public and wants to work with us to solve our transit problems, so let’s continue to engage with them and let our voices be heard!

They will be holding pop-up consultations the first week of July to hear from transit riders across the city. Find one and participate if you can!
Location Date/Time
Kennedy Stn July 3 (7-10am)
Union Stn July 3 (3-6pm)
Finch Stn July 4 (7-10am)
Don Mills Stn July 4 (3-6pm)
Kipling Stn July 5 (7-10am)
Jane-Finch Mall July 5 (3-6pm)

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