Organizational Membership Benefits
- Attend our 2018 Transit Summit for free.
- Know you’re doing your part to support TTCriders and build upon our successful work to improve public transit
- Attend and vote at our AGM and decide who sits on the board of TTCriders
- You will receive a CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION for you to proudly share online and an 8.5 by 11 version to post at your worksite.
- Apply to join our committees and board and work with us, and shape our events and policy positions
- Get the latest news, updates, and action alerts
- VIP status at special events we organize, including the right to table at our events and free access to our yearly Transit Summit
- Get promoted on our website, via email, twitter, facebook, and at our events so your supporters, our 11,000 supporters and Toronto's 1.8 million transit riders know about your support for better public transit
- Have your logo placed prominently on our website, and our key promotional materials at our annual fundraiser and Annual General Meeting
Where do membership fees go?
All membership fees go towards helping TTCriders organize and implement campaigns and advocate and engage with key decision makers at Toronto City Hall, Queens Park, the Federal Government, and the Toronto Transit Commission.
Membership Information
- Your membership is valid for one year from date of purchase.
- Membership dues range from $100 and up. Please connect with us at [email protected] first.
- If you wish to pay membership dues by cheque then please contact [email protected]. A cheque can be mailed to us at TTCriders, Centre for Social Innovation Building, 720 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5S 2R4. Write the cheque to TTCriders.