New Toronto transit lines to be run by TTC, not private operator.

Wednesday morning, October 3rd, brought the welcome news that, after a week of intense negotiations with the TTC, the provincial government has changed its mind about turning over the operation of the new Light Rail lines to a private company.

TTC riders can take some credit for the victory--all of you who contacted the office of Transportation Minister, Bob Chiarelli, asking him to give us back our transit system.

That said, the Province still intends to turn over the construction of the four lines (as one giant project) to a private consortium. TTC riders are asking the Province to give proof that this new approach will serve the public interest and demanding that such major decisions be made in a transparent and democratically accountable manner.

For more details, click on the link to the September 27th Star article, "Selling out on Toronto's transit lines" written by a TTC rider.

Also read the Toronto Star's article about yesterday's announcement.

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