#KingStreetPilot Tweet Chat - November 5th @1PM

Tune into our #KingStreetPilot Tweet Chat next Monday November 5th at 1pm. We’ll be posing a series of questions about how people have experienced the transit priority project since it’s implementation last November. We will also be joined by some great special guests (TBA) who will  add their perspective to the conversation and will be available to answer any questions directed their way.

RSVP here to get a reminder on the day-of: https://www.facebook.com/events/2015666195159868/

Never participated in a twitter chat before? Here are some tips to help you join the fun!

What's a twitter chat?

A twitter chat is a public conversation on twitter that is convened at a specific day and time, using a unique hashtag (#). Twitter chats are often recurring weekly or monthly events, but you can also find one-off twitter chats like our #KingStreetPilot Tweet Chat.

How can I participate?

Log into your twitter account on Monday November 5th at 1pm and search the #KingStreetPilot hashtag.

By following #KingStreetPilot you'll be able to follow the conversation and jump in with your own answers, comments, and questions.  The host will pose a series of questions (designated by a Q1, Q2, Q3.. at the beginning of each tweet) to encourage discussion and prompt participants to answer (designated by A1, A2, A3...). You can also engage with other participants by replying to their tweets.

It can also help to use a chat platform that makes it easier to follow along. 

Here are some quick twitter chat conventions to follow:

1. Tweet a “high volume warning” for your followers. 2. Follow a Q1 (Question 1)/A1 (Answer 1) format. 3. Reply directly for 1-on-1 conversations. 4. Add "." when using @ at the beginning of your tweet. 5. Always include the #KingStreetPilot chat hashtag.

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Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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