Become a TTCriders member today!

TTCriders is launching a major fall membership drive.

Grassroots organizing costs money, and we need your membership fee to fund this work.

Just as importantly, we need a large, vocal membership to increase our influence.

We are looking for 700 new members this fall to help us advocate for the $700 million investment the TTC needs.

Click here to join us!

TTCriders is pushing ahead with multiple campaigns this fall, all designed to further our goal of a TTC that works with and for transit riders.

We know you share our vision for: - Fair and affordable fares - Modern, fast and frequent service that connects all our neighbourhoods - Full accessibility - Environmental sustainability - Respect for front line TTC workers - Respect for fellow TTC riders

Join by November 25, 2015 - the date of our fabulous fall fundraiser (stay tuned for details) - and you will:

- Add your voice to the call for better public transit in our great city - Have voting rights at our AGM and decide who sits on the board of TTCriders - Get the latest news, updates, and action alerts - Enjoy VIP status at special events we organize - Be entered to win an incredible transit-themed prize pack

An annual individual membership is just $50.

Make it $100 and we’ll send you a coveted TTCriders t-shirt.

Be a transit superhero by donating $250 or $500 and we’ll be able to push that much harder for the TTC we all want and deserve.

Thank you from Mary (Fundraising and Campaign Director) and all of us at TTCriders.

Latest posts

Crombie promises to install platform edge doors in Toronto subway stations if elected

Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie is promising to install barriers on all TTC subway platforms in Toronto if she becomes premier, an idea that has long been studied by TTC staff but could potentially cost billions if implemented across the network.

Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

Connect with us