Join TTC Riders at "Let's Talk" Public Forum

Over the past few months you might have noticed all the bad press about TTC workers, such as the media storm that ignited after a commuter snapped a picture of a sleeping customer service worker.

The Toronto Transit Workers' Union (Local 113) has responded.  The Transit Union is conducting a series of Town Hall meetings so commuters can talk directly with frontline TTC workers about how to improve our city's transit system.

The meetings will be held in: Downsview (April 11, 1pm-3pm), Scarborough (April 18, 1pm-3pm), and downtown Toronto at Ryerson University (May 2, 1pm-3pm).

For more info on locations go to:

Now, the idea of opening up dialogue between commuters and workers is a sensible one.  The TTC Riders will be at the meetings to voice our concerns.

But our biggest concern has nothing to do the workers and everything to do with the Province.

I'll use my experience as a commuter as an example.  I spend two hours a day commuting on the TTC.  I like it when drivers give me directions when I ask, and don't drive off if they can see me running to the bus stop.  But an occasional tired or grumpy worker is not my biggest problem.

What I want most of all from my TTC is a cheap, reliable, frequent, and expansive transit system. I want to quickly travel from one side of the city to another.  I'd also like to get a seat on the bus every once and a while.

But the workers don't deliver these services, the Provincial government does.  And the Provincial government can give us these things by properly funding the TTC and building Transit City.

Of course, the Provincial government isn't listening to commuters right now. So it's time we generate the political will and make him.  You can contact McGuinty via email or phone below.  Better yet, go to your nearest transit stop, and tell others to contact McGuinty well.

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