Higher subway fares would create a two-tier system


Higher subway fares would create a two-tier system 

January 17, 2019 (Toronto, ON) — Transit advocacy organization TTCriders says that a Toronto Board of Trade Report on fare integration includes unfair recommendations.  

“Charging higher fares for the subway would be unfair,” said ________ “Creating a two-tiered transit system will force lower income riders onto slower, more unreliable service like buses and streetcars.” 

TTCriders is calling for provincial operating funding for transit. “The missing ingredient for fair fare integration is proper provincial operating funding for transit. Riders shouldn’t have to pay the price with service cuts or fare hikes.” 

The provincial government is planning to take control of Toronto’s subway system, which would allow it to charge higher fares. Metrolinx is considering fare-by-speed and fare-by-distance.  





Shelagh Pizey-Allen, [email protected]

Yared Mehzenta

Toronto Board of Trade : 



Jenna Scott

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