Feeling Congested? Have your say

The City of Toronto has initiated Phase 2 of Feeling Congested, a public consultation project on the future of transportation in Toronto. As part of Phase 2, the City is looking for feedback on a draft complete streets framework, rapid transit decision-making criteria, and a bicycle policy framework. The consultation results will help inform transportation policies in Toronto's Official Plan, a high level policy document which guides growth and development in the City.

TTCriders wants to make sure that the voices of transit riders are heard throughout the consultation process. Have your say at one of the public meetings taking place this week:

Discussion Panel: “Decongesting Toronto 2: Making Sound Decisions” June 26th, 6:30-8:30pm at the Jane Mallet Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts

General Public Meeting, June 27, 6:30-8:30pm at Metro Hall (55 John Street), Room 308/309

You can also give feedback online at feelingcongested.ca

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