issue this election cycle.
What we do understand is that John Tory’s decision to stand us up at the last
minute sends a message that he doesn’t care about the needs of Toronto’s
million daily transit riders who are squashed like sardines on the TTC every
day because of a lack of funding.
But TTCriders members are not quitters. We turned the debate into a Q&A
session with Olivia Chow. In front of a capacity crowd, Chow expressed her
support for the downtown relief line, the Scarborough LRT, and her commitment
to invest $15 million into bus service.
We got our message out to the media. Listen to a podcast by Rabble's Victoria Fenner. We've included some of our media coverage at the bottom.
We pulled off a great event in tough circumstances. Thanks to the hard work of
TTCriders organizers, Brenda, Herman, Shaun, Kamilla, Jess, Marco, Cindy,
Helen, Marco, Milan, and more. Thank you to Corey and Jesse at the Ryerson
Student Union, Enzo Di Matteo, the moderator, Matt Elliott, the truth tweeter,
and Josh Shook, and Mick Sweetman our volunteer social media experts. Thanks
to our members who came out and supported us.
And where was Doug Ford? Doug Ford announced his decision to run for mayor on
Friday. His team told us he wasn’t attending our debate. We respect that
decision because Doug is not doing any campaigning.
That said, it's time to send a message to Doug Ford and John Tory that us
riders want a fair deal, and we want answers to questions that matter to us.
Help us.
Ask John Tory and Doug Ford key questions on transit so a) they know riders care
about transit and b) so we can get the answers we need to help riders make an
informed decision on October 27. Please email us their responses to your
questions at
[email protected].
We will be releasing a transit report evaluating the mayoral candidates in the
coming days.
John Tory Tweet @JohnToryTO Call 416 916 8679 Email:
[email protected]
Doug Ford Call 416-397-9255 Email
[email protected]
Attend an upcoming debate and ask a transit question
Questions to ask
- What’s your plan to increase TTC service now? -
What’s your plan to bring new transit routes to underserved areas such as
Sheppard East and West Finch? - Will you lower fares, especially for low
income people? - How will you pay for transit? - Will you keep the TTC
publicly, owned, maintained, and operated?
Debate Media Coverage
"Organizers of Mayoral Debate Furious with Tory" Now magazine
"John Tory slammed for pulling out of transit, seniors debates" City News
"Tory pulls out of three debates this week" City News
"Organizer upset Tory pulled out of Big Transit Mayoral Debate" Metro News and Toronto Star
"TTCriders group furious Tory pulled out of transit debate"