Council Approves the Sheppard East LRT

With a 24 - 19 vote City Council approved the Sheppard Avenue East LRT line,  the final piece of Toronto's Rapid Transit Expansion Plan.

The results of the special meeting are proof that TTCriders' voices were heard. By a 24 - 19 vote on motion placed by Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker, Council approved a plan to build a Light Rail Transit (LRT) line on Sheppard Avenue East.

With this vote Council agreed that Light Rail Transit (LRT) is the preferred rapid transit mode for Sheppard Avenue East from Don Mills to Morningside, and confirm the Sheppard Avenue East LRT as a priority line within the approved Metrolinx "5 in 10" plan.

With this plan FINALLY approved,  Scarborough will now have 3 rapid transit lines to improve transit riders mobility. Transit riders on the crowded Finch Avenue West buses have a rapid Finch Ave LRT to look forward to. Torontonians across the City will now have a rapid Crosstown LRT line on Eglinton Avenue, underground where it needs to be, to improve travel from one end of the City to the other.

For more details on the events of the Special City Council meeting and to view the various motions put forward by Councillors click here. (Scroll down to Motions)


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