Relief for essential workers left out of City Budget


Relief for essential workers left out of City Budget, says transit group

January 13, 2022 (Toronto, ON) — Transit rider organization TTCriders says the proposed 2022 Toronto City Budget is failing low-wage, essential workers because a promised transit discount has been left out while service cuts continue to impact riders. 

“Essential workers and low-income Toronto residents have been impacted most by the pandemic, but won’t get the fare relief they’ve been promised and they’re waiting longer for the bus,” said TTCriders director Shelagh Pizey-Allen. “Mayor Tory’s promise to lower fares for working people is long overdue and must be funded in this budget.”

City Council first approved the Fair Pass in December 2016 as part of its Poverty Reduction Strategy, but the program is still not fully funded. Expanding the Fair Pass to low-wage workers will cost approximately $20 million per year, according to an October 2020 City staff report. 

TTCriders is also calling on City Councillors to provide funding for increased service levels, the distribution of N-95 masks on the transit network, and funding for the TTC’s 5-Year Fare Plan. The TTC Board will vote on a long-term fare strategy on February 10, 2022, but advocates warn the strategy will not be effective without additional funding. 

Background information about the Fair Pass: 

  • The Fair Pass discounts single fares to $2.10 and monthly passes to $123.25.

  • The final phase of the Fair Pass will extend the discount to people earning the Low Income Measure plus 15%, or approximately $28,925 for a single person (2019 LIM figures). 

  • The Fair Pass has been implemented for people who receive Ontario Works (OW), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Child Care Fee Subsidy, and will soon be rolled out to people in rent-geared-to-income housing. 

  • Low income residents depend on transit the most. 65% of Fair Pass users continued to ride the TTC in 2020, compared to 35% of overall riders, according to the Poverty Reduction Strategy mid-term strategy report.


City of Toronto Staff-Recommended Operating Budget (January 13, 2022) 

(Fair Pass funding has been allocated in previous budgets through Social Development, Finance, & Administration department)

Fair Pass Program Update (October 2020) 

Poverty Reduction Strategy Mid-Term Update (May 2021)

Shelagh Pizey-Allen
(416) 309-9026

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