
Singing for Better Transit!

This event has already taken place.

Friday, December 20, 2:00PM. Yorkdale Mall, at the TTC gates leading to Yorkdale Mall.

Our tradition continues! On Monday we got together at Yorkdale station to sing carols and tell transit riders about the need for Yorkdale mall to pitch in their fair share for transit. It went so well, we're doing it again on Friday! Malls like Yorkdale have a sweet transit deal, subways go right to them and they don't need to chip in to maintain them. Meanwhile, we sit in slow zones or deal with shut downs. Join us on Friday to tell malls and big businesses to pay their share!

Friday, December 20, 2:00PM. Yorkdale Mall, at the TTC gates leading to Yorkdale Mall.

Learn more about the Commercial Parking Levy: www.ttcriders.ca/fundtransit

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