Brenda Thompson tells the Star that privatization is underway

Brenda Thompson is a member of TTCriders and Scarborough Transit Action.

Privatizing TTC is not the answer, Letter Feb. 24

There has been a lot of discussion in the Star about the pros and cons of privatizing the TTC as if it is something we might decide to do in the future. In reality, the selling off of our public transit system has already begun.

In 2010, the province quietly passed legislation that more or less ensures all new infrastructure is built using public-private partnerships. Under their leadership, LRTs will be constructed and maintained by a multinational consortium under a 30-year contract with Metrolinx. Not only will this deprive Torontonians of much needed, good jobs, transit riders will be on the hook for the inevitable cost overruns (private companies need to make a profit) that will be paid with even higher fare increases and deeper service cuts.

For the last 20 years, the TTC has had to operate without adequate, consistent funding from higher levels of government, not to mention the transit trolls on city council who are quite happy to let riders cover 70 per cent of the TTC’s operating budget through fares, without providing enough service to prevent overcrowding.

We need to have the benefit of experiencing a publicly controlled and delivered transit system that is adequately funded first, before we discuss the “merits” of privatization.

Brenda Thompson, Scarborough Transit Action

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