Top three takeaways from the 2019 budget

The 2019 TTC Budget was released this morning and confirmed what we expected: the TTC is planning to hike fares starting April 1, 2019. But it's not too late to put the pressure on City Council and demand a properly funded TTC:

Here are our top three takeaways from the 2019 budget:

1. The budget doesn't move the needle

  • Last year's budget increased by 7% over the previous year, but the 2019 budget only recommends a 3% increase. The TTC remains the least-subsidized transit system in North America, compared to similar major systems.
  • Existing TTC strategies like the Ridership Growth Strategy (RGS) and Express Bus Network Plan are missing in action. We're still waiting for a fully-funded Ridership Growth Strategy that would implement bold service improvements to fix overcrowding, like an expansion of the frequent service network and surface priority measures across the city. 
2. The TTC wants to increase fares  
  • All transit riders, including students and seniors, are facing a 10-cent increase to single fares.
  • The new Fair Pass is being undermined with a 5-cent fare hike, before its been fully implemented for people receiving childcare and housing subsidies and living on low incomes. City Council must fund the next phases in 2019. 
  • Increases have been proposed for all monthly passes, ranging from $3.90 for the Fair Pass to $5.70 for seniors and students.
3. The province is lowballing us
  • The TTC's capital plan revealed that total unfunded cost of capital investments to maintain our subway system and stations totals $16.18 billion over 15 years, or $1.08 billion per year. The province said it would provide $160 million annually for maintenance costs if it steals our subway, leaving a gap of nearly $1 billion dollars in unfunded annual costs.
We'll release a longer analysis of the budget in the coming days. In the meantime, check out the many ways you can take action to stop these fare hikes and get a fairly funded TTC.

2019 TTC Operating Budget:

TTC 15-Year Capital Investment Plan & 2019 – 2028 Capital Budget & Plan:

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