Scarborough Civic Centre

Youth Leadership Conference

This event has already taken place.

Calling all youth! Do you want to take action on climate change and improve your public transit system?

Register now for the TTCriders Youth Leadership Conference on August 20th from 1pm-4pm at the Scarborough Civic Centre. Learn from other youth leaders, how decisions get made about public transit, meet new friends, and get volunteer hours! 

Conference Schedule: 

12:30pm - Registration Opens (Rotunda of Scarborough Civic Centre)

1:00pm - Welcome Remarks

1:15pm - Trainings (Committee Rooms 1 & 2), pick one of these two workshops: 

#1: TTC 101: Who Makes Decisions About Transit at City Hall & How Can You Have a Say?  

#2: Building The Transit Movement: Outreach, One-on-One Meetings, and the "Spectrum of Allies"

2:15pm - Break

2:30pm - Group Strategy Session by region and school / college / university (Scarborough Civic Centre Council Chamber) 

3:30pm - Youth Leaders Panel Discussion (Scarborough Civic Centre Council Chamber) 

4:00pm - Outdoor Social (Albert Campbell Square)

Take action

Bus lanes now
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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