Transit Rider Summit
Save the date!
Please join us on Sunday, June 16, 2024 to:
- attend workshops to improve our ability to run effective campaigns
- connect with other transit users and advocates in your region
- meet people across the GTHA who want to win better transit
- get involved in the transit movement
When registering, please indicate your access needs and whether you require:
American Sign Language, attendant care, child care, language interpretation, and if you have dietary restrictions.
NOTE: Deadline to request ASL interpretation or accommodations is Thursday, June 13th.
Location: Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Drive
Time: 11am-4pm, registration opens at 10:30am
Free event! Food, TTC tickets, child-minding, Mandarin and Tamil interpretation, and attendant care provided
Note: Please bring along a phone or laptop with headphones to tune in to simultaneous interpretation in Tamil or Mandarin
10:30am - Registration Opens
11:00am - Opening Remarks
11:15am - Panel discussion: Steve Munro, Krissan Veerasingam, August Puranauth
12:15pm - Lunch
12:45pm - Skill-building sessions Block #1 (pick one workshop)
Workshop 1: Know Your Transit Rights [English+Tamil] (Room 1)
Workshop 2: Know Your Transit Rights [Mandarin] (Room 2)
Workshop 3: How to meet with your elected officials (Chambers)
Workshop 4: How to plan a successful campaign (Rotunda)
1:45pm - Break
2:00pm - Skill-building sessions Block #2 (pick one workshop)
Workshop 5: How to appeal your Wheel-Trans Status (Room 1)
Workshop 6: How to speak to the media (Room 2)
Workshop 7: How to meet with your elected officials (Chambers)
Workshop 8: Show and Tell: Successful tactics from other rider groups (Rotunda)
3:00pm - Break
3:15pm - Campaign planning break-out sessions (pick one)
Breakout 1: Wheel Trans & Family of Services (Room 1)
Breakout 2: Affordable Transit & Fare Capping (Room 2)
Breakout 3: Eglinton East LRT (Rotunda)
Breakout 4: Federal TTC funding campaign (location TBA)
Breakout 5: Better King Street (location TBA)
Breakout 6: Worker & Rider Solidarity (location TBA)
Breakout 7: Open Space (location TBA)
4:00pm - Wrap-up