Survey: Wheel-Trans (Family of Services)

Do you take Wheel-Trans? Have you lost access to door-to-door service? Fill out our 10-question survey to share your experience with the “Family of Services” trip-matching plan and navigating the application and appeal process. To skip a text question, click "Submit Response."

Wheel-Trans services offer door-to-door public transit service for riders who are unable to use conventional transit due to reasons such as disability. Although Wheel-Trans claims they are planning to expand access to more transit users, they are not matching the planned increase in riders with increased service levels. Instead, they are reclassifying users into one of 3 categories, and they have introduced the “Family of Services" trip-matching program, which will become mandatory for those placed in the Conditional category. Under the Family of Services program, some Wheel-Trans users will be restricted from accessing full door-to-door service and will be forced to take conventional TTC services for portions of their trip. Instead of restricting choice and access for Wheel-Trans users, governments must invest in more transit operating funding to increase service levels and ensure accessibility of public transit for all riders. 

Survey questions: 

  1. Do you use Wheel-Trans services? 
  2. Have you lost your ability to book door-to-door rides?
  3. If you have been reclassified as a “conditional” user and feel like sharing, what conditions has Wheel-Trans assigned you (i.e. Good day/bad day, darkness, winter WT service only, etc.)? How will this impact your experience accessing Wheel-Trans services (e.g. choosing to travel less, etc.)?
  4.  Did you have a functional assessment?
  5. If you answered yes to having a functional assessment done, describe your experience
  6. Did you appeal your status? 
  7. If you have appealed your status, what was your experience with the appeal process? If you were successful in your appeal, what helped? (e.g. second opinion from a medical professional?)
  8. For the appeal process, did you acquire further medical documentation (i.e. from a physician)? Did you have to pay additional fees?
  9. Can we use the information you provided in this survey anonymously for our written reports and media content?
  10. What do you think could be done to improve accessibility of the application process and/or improve Wheel-Trans services?
Resource: ARCH Disability Law Centre
Are you appealing your Wheel-Trans classification? Contact ARCH Disability Law Centre. You may not have a legal case, but contact ARCH for general advice and they *may* be able to provide you with information before your appeal.

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