UPDATE: Collective action works! Thanks to thousands of people taking action, we won our campaign to convince the TTC to approve a replacement bus-only corridor and bus lanes on the street! The unfortunate and scary derailment of the RT means that we will keep campaigning for:

  1. an immediate installation of bus lanes on the street to keep shuttles moving
  2. provincial funding of the busway
  3. free transfers between GO and TTC to unlock more transit options in Scarborough
  4. transparency and accountability from the TTC to make sure this never happens again

Your commute will get LONGER when the Scarborough RT closes in 2023.

But a subway replacement won't be open until 2030 at the earliest. Your elected representatives must act now to prevent the worst-case scenario: 7+ years of shuttle buses in traffic. 

Politicians must seize this opportunity to protect a Scarborough landmark and transform it into a rapid busway with green public space for walking, cycling, and more! Let’s create a unique Scarborough space that will be used for decades to come. 

Call on your local Councillor, MPP, and MP to: 

  • Transform the decommissioned Scarborough RT corridor into a rapid busway with green public space for cycling and walking;
  • Install transit priority measures like bus-only lanes and traffic signal priority for any on-street replacement shuttle buses, so they don’t get stuck in traffic;
  • Subsidize free transfers between GO Transit and TTC to immediately create more accessible rapid transit options in Scarborough; 
  • Fully fund the Eglinton East LRT and expand Scarborough’s rapid transit network;
  • Preserve the RT corridor and infrastructure to transform this historic Scarborough landmark into unique public space (the elevated concrete RT infrastructure can be preserved between Ellesmere and STC);
  • Provide transit operating funding, capital and maintenance funding, and enough green buses to make this vision a reality.

To learn more, read the new community report from TTCriders.  

Take action

Bus lanes now
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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