
Rally to Open the Crosstown

Wednesday, February 19, 5PM

Yonge and Eglinton

Join TTCriders' Rally to Open the Crosstown to call on all parties to get transit moving and clear the TTC’s repair backlog! 

RSVP for the event, more information to come!

Transit riders will hold a rally to call for answers about why the provincially-owned Eglinton Crosstown and Finch West LRTs are not open and seek commitments from all provincial parties to permanently fund the operating costs of new LRTs, clear the TTC’s repair backlog, and give the TTC back control to run Toronto transit projects. 

Will you come?


Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Work For Us
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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