1911 Kennedy - Dorset Park HUB
18 RSVPs

Election Training

This event has already taken place.

At our election training learn what TTCriders is asking candidates, how you can share this information in your community, and how to speak to the media about our issues.

This event will be held in-person at ACSA Dorset Park Hub (1911 Kennedy) close to the intersection of Kennedy and Ellesmere and is open to any TTCriders member or volunteer. Show up early for lunch provided at 12:30pm. The event itself will run from 1pm-3:30pm.

Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

Connect with us