Eglinton Subway Station
2190 Yonge St, Liquid error: Internal error
Daniel Tseghay
Phone Number 647-220-9739

Don't Steal Our Subway - Canvass at Eglinton Subway Station

This our events has already taken place.

Meet inside the station in front of the Gateway store. Contact: 647-220-9739 if you can't find us.

Doug Ford has threatened to break apart the TTC by taking over the subway system we paid for and maintain. This will open it up to privatization, higher fares, reduced service, and less democratic control by Toronto’s residents.

We’re ramping up the campaign in the new year by organizing subway stop canvases, door knocking, and lit drops. Join us for this canvass at Eglinton Subway Station to talk to transit riders and hand out flyers.

TTC tokens available.

Facebook event page.

Take action

Bus lanes now
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge

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