We want seniors to pay $1 to ride the TTC, but that's not all we want

This Wednesday April 29, the TTC Commission will vote to move forward on lowering senior fares to $1 during off peak hours.

The motion by Councillor Crisanti asks the TTC CEO to assess the feasibility of doing a six month pilot to let seniors ride for a $1 during off peak hours.  (The City loves to study stuff first, but this study will be done in two months.)

Many seniors live on fixed incomes, and struggle to make ends meet.  Also, lower fares encourages people to take the TTC, which is good for the environment and congestion.

This is a great step in the right direction towards our goal of making the TTC affordable for all.  Now let’s make sure this vote passes so we can move forward with affordable fares.

Please take action in the next 72 hours to make sure City Hall says yes to moving forward with lowering fares for seniors and making the TTC affordable for all.

  • Join us at City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, from 1pm onwards on Wednesday April 29. Please RSVP with [email protected], 647 772 8770.
Lowering fares for seniors during off peak hours is a great step forward, but we also need to ask for what we truly need to make the TTC affordable for all, especially for those in financial need.

That is why we are calling on City Hall to move quickly forward with lowering fares for seniors and also prioritize the following requests:

  • offer $1 fares to people earning less than $22,000.  Torontonians who live below $22,000 are below the Low Income Cut Off rate, and are very likely to be struggling to make ends meet.
  • allow people receiving Ontario Disability and Ontario Works payments to ride the TTC for free.  This is because people living on these small payments simply cannot afford to meet their basic needs, like paying for food, medicine, and housing.
  • allow all riders who get discount fares to travel during peak and off peak times. This is because riders often have to travel during peak hours to go work, pick up children, go to medical appointments and more.
  • don't cut service to pay for affordable fares. Instead, bring in new money.
Everyone should have the right to travel our city.  Let's make the TTC affordable and useful for all us.

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