Tell our elected officials to properly fund the TTC today

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The TTC 2014 budget was just approved by the TTC Commission.

Unless we act quickly, riders will pay more for the same inadequate and overcrowded service.

The TTC Commission approved a five-cent increase on fares, and a five-dollar increase on the price of an adult Metropass (from $128 to $133.75).  Cash fares will stay at $3.00, and service levels will stay the same.

Thankfully, this isn’t the final word on TTC fares and service levels.

Fares are already too high. We invest less in Toronto’s public transit system than any other city in North America on a per rider basis and the average commute time is one of the worst.

We need great transit service, not more overcrowding and delays.

Everyone wins when we fund the TTC. We reduce gridlock. We help stop climate change. And we get the fast, frequent and affordable public transit we need.

Take Action:

Register to depute at City Hall on the 2nd and 3rd of December.  Contact the City to register at [email protected] or by calling 416-392-4666.  More information is at:

Send a message to urge your City Councillor to properly fund the TTC so service can be significantly increased and fares reduced, especially for those in financial need.  Your message will be copied to the leaders of our Provincial political parties because they need to do their part.

Become a TTCriders member.  Your support helps us mobilize riders and generate the political will necessary to convince our elected officials to get us a fair deal for riders.



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