TTCriders in the News

Toronto Star. The Cost of Fixing Gridlock: Billions

TTCriders has their say in the Toronto Star's article on how we're going to pay to fix gridlock.

This article appeared in the business section of the Toronto Star on December the 7th, 2013.

It’s 9 a.m. on a recent Thursday and Union Station has just disgorged the last of the morning rush hour. Business executives, students, office workers all squeeze and jostle for space as they navigate the narrow passage between Union Station and Toronto’s subway system.

680 News: Transit, child care on minds of many at budget committee meeting

680 News did a comprehensive summary of the deputations by Torontonians on the City Budget process, including mentioning the concerns of some of our members and supporters.   TTCriders is calling on the City to contribute more to the TTC.    Thanks to all of those who came out.

Toronto Star: TTC Postpones Fare Debate to Wednesday

TTCriders filled the room and spoke to the TTC budget, after a long delay.


By Tess Kalinowski

The TTC board will reconvene for a special budget meeting Wednesday after the critical financial decision about a New Year's fare hike was derailed Monday by the special city council meeting to deal with Mayor Rob Ford's powers.

Yonge St Media: TTCriders union launches campaign for provincial funding

This article is online at Yonge St Media's website.

TTCriders, the membership-based advocacy group of TTC users, officially launched its newest campaign this past Monday.

The campaign, titled a Fair Deal for Riders, calls on the province to provide increased and sustained funding for the TTC.

TTCriders continues to oppose 5-cent fare increase

TTCriders spoke out against the 5-cent fare increase proposed at today's Toronto Transit Commission meeting.

We argued that public transit benefits all Torontonians, yet riders are being penalized for choosing "the better way." City Hall contributes the least amount per rider than any other jurisdiction in Canada and the U.S.

Read TTCriders' member Joell Vanderwagen's Toronto Star op-ed called "The downside of privately run transit lines within the TTC"

Well done Joell for writing a great piece on the downside of privately run transit lines.

Read Joell's op ed below.

The downside of privately run transit lines within the TTC

Published on Wednesday September 26, 2012 Toronto Star

"Premier Dalton McGuinty should tame the Metrolinx beast" Toronto Star op-ed by Joell Vanderwagen, TTCrider

With the best of intentions, Premier Dalton McGuinty created Metrolinx as the provincial agency charged with developing a regional transit network for the Greater Toronto Area, building on the existing GO Transit commuter system.

Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Work For Us
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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