TTCriders in the News

Omni reports on our TTC Sardine Award to MPP Glen Murray for failing to fund the TTC

Omni TV news covered our rally where we gave MPP Glen Murray an award for failing to properly fund the TTC.  We gave the award to the Liberal Government because they have failed to give fair funding to the TTC even though they have had the power to do so.  This video shows the visuals!

Now Magazine reports on TTCriders giving Glen Murray the TTC Sardines Award

Glen Murray gets sardined Liberal minister’s Twitter response to joke TTCriders award raises transit stink


About 100 protestors, some of them dressed as sardines, rode the subway from Queen’s Park to Transportation Minister Glen Murray’s Parliament Street constituency office Friday to present him with TTCriders’ first annual Sardine Award.

Torontoist talks up our TTC Sardine Award delivery to MPP Glen Murray

Transportation Minister Wins TTC Sardine Award

Why a transit advocacy group singled Glen Murray out for failing to fund transit, and who he thinks really deserves the blame.


CBC's Metro Morning profiles the #TTCsardines photo contest asking riders for pictures of their overcrowded commute

Guest host Piya Chattopadhyay spoke with TTC Riders' co-chair Jessica Bell about the group's new TTC Sardines photo contest on Monday February 27.   Listen to the interview.

Who’s the ‘TTC Sardine Award’ winner? says Inside Toronto

This was published on Feb. 26 in Inside Toronto.  Thanks Rahul Gupta.

With TTC congestion worsening, transit riders might be forgiven if they’re feeling like a bunch of sardines these days as they attempt to squeeze onto already-packed subway trains, streetcars and buses.

Brenda Thompson tells the Star that privatization is underway

Brenda Thompson is a member of TTCriders and Scarborough Transit Action.

Privatizing TTC is not the answer, Letter Feb. 24

There has been a lot of discussion in the Star about the pros and cons of privatizing the TTC as if it is something we might decide to do in the future. In reality, the selling off of our public transit system has already begun.

TTCriders on CP24 Live at Noon

TTCriders was on CP24 today (Feb 27 2014) to talk about our campaign called #TTCsardines.  The TTCsardines campaign encourages people to take photos of their overcrowded commute and send it to  TTCriders is going to take the best photo, turn it into a TTC Sardines Award, and deliver it to a decision maker who has failed us on transit.   Watch the video. 

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Bus lanes now
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Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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