TTCriders in the News

TTC proceeds with plan to end free public Wi-Fi, but is considering installing free internet at bus bays, street platforms

The TTC is continuing its plans to end free public Wi-Fi on subway stations, but has agreed to consider a pilot project to implement free internet on bus and street platforms and bays at stations.

Advocates, TTC Board members call for continuation, expansion of free Wi-Fi on transit

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Board members, transit and women's safety advocates are among those calling for the continuation and expansion of free public Wi-Fi on the TTC, after the transit network announced the service will be ending this year.

TTC mismanagement keeps riders in the slow lane. What we really need is fast tracked funding to get us up to speed again

"If we don’t want slow subways to become our new normal, both transit leadership and transit funding arrangements need to change."
Read the op-ed by TTCriders member Mackenzie Bartlett in the Toronto Star.

Take action

Bus lanes now
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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