Transit service

Coming January to the TTC: Longer Waits for Higher Fares!

The cost for riding the TTC goes up January 1st. "But riders, when you pay more you get more, right?"


One week later, on January 8th, the TTC is adjusting its schedules with reduced service in the morning rush hour on 12 bus routes.

Driver and homeowner advocates who don’t take transit in Scarborough make already bad plans for Scarborough even worse

By Scarborough Transit Action This past Friday, the TTC announced that it would further modify the design plans for the Scarborough One-Stop Subway Extension in the face of pressure from car drivers and homeowners.

TTC is misleading transit riders about Sunday’s service cuts

When the November Service Changes were released, we saw that service was being slashed on 20 routes and immediately suspected that these were cuts. In the past month, the TTC has intentionally misled the public to believe that these changes were merely routine tweaks to match service to ridership. Through Ben Spurr, we now know that if the TTC was only making changes to match service to ridership, service would have been improved on 43 routes. Zero of the improvements were made.

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Bus lanes now
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Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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