Transit service

Contribute to the TTC’s 5-Year Service Plan

The TTC is undergoing a process to develop a 5-Year Service Plan. There are some great things in the opportunities identified by the TTC already, but the plan is being limited in scope by the TTC to the current funding levels from the City. While this may be a responsible baseline to set for the service plan, they should be creating a roadmap for drastically improving service in a way that fully addresses overcrowding and reliability across the network. This would give us a fuller picture of what resources are needed from the City to adequately fund TTC service.

King Street Pilot has great results for low costs. Let's keep it and make it better.

The King Street Transit Pilot between Bathurst Street and Jarvis Street aims to improve transit reliability, speed, and capacity. The two routes that run along King moved a combined 71,000 riders per day prior to the pilot. This is more riders than any other surface route, the Sheppard Subway, and the Scarborough RT.

John Tory's Service Cuts

John Tory's transit budgets are methodically and systematically destroying the TTC through less frequent, slower and overcrowded service.

For the 2017 budget, John Tory is now talking about a minor increase in funding to avoid service reductions. The reality is that service already has been reduced due to TTC budget shortfalls. In addition to this, today's service does not even meet the TTC's own standards, due to overcrowded routes.

Take action

Bus lanes now
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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