
Malvern, Lawrence Heights, Rexdale most impacted by planned restrictions to door-to-door Wheel-Trans service, data shows

(Toronto, ON) – Neighbourhoods with a higher proportion of racialized and low-income residents will be most impacted by planned restrictions to door-to-door Wheel-Trans service, according to data obtained through a Freedom of Information request by transit advocacy group TTCriders. The group held a press conference at Toronto City Hall on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, in advance of a TTC Board meeting.  

They've never seen a public consultation like this one

At a Wheel-Trans public consultation earlier this year, choir members delivered a musical message to oppose the TTC’s plan to force some people with disabilities and seniors onto the conventional TTCalso known as the "Family of Services" program.

Long-time Wheel-Trans user and choir member Jane Field explains why the Family of Services program must not become mandatory in this new video.

Choir to deliver musical message at Wheel-Trans consultation meeting

(Toronto, ON) – Community choir "Common Thread Community Chorus," which is concerned that its members who rely on Wheel-Trans will lose access to the service, will sing outside a Wheel-Trans consultation meeting on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 at 3:45pm at Metro Hall (55 John Street).

Transit advocate says it's 'not surprising' TTC won't meet its accessibility goals by 2025

Transit advocate and TTCriders Accessibility Committee member Terri-Lynn Langdon says it's 'not surprising' TTC won't meet its accessibility goals by 2025, calls to stop the implementation of the TTC's "Family of Services" model that will shift Wheel-Trans users on to the conventional transit system.

Thousands of people with disabilities to lose full Wheel-Trans transit access, independence: report

June 5, 2023 (Toronto, ON) –  A new report launched on "Independent Living Across Canada Day" warns that thousands of people with disabilities and seniors could lose full access to door-to-door Wheel-Trans service because the provincial government has failed to resource its Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act (AODA) commitments.

Half of new Council committed to opposing TTC cuts

Thirteen (13) of the twenty-five (25) newly elected Toronto City Councillors on October 24, 2022 completed a TTCriders survey on transit issues before the election. All 13 of the Councillors have committed to oppose cuts to service if the TTC faces continued budget shortfalls. Read their full survey responses.

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