Respect for Riders

We're asking candidates for Mayor and Toronto City Council to pledge their support for a fairly funded public transit system, so that riders get better service and lower fares. 

Despite the gains TTCriders and our allies have won over the last four years, the TTC remains overcrowded, unreliable, and unaffordable. The low income transit discount is a step in the right direction, but with half of the passes going unused, we need deeper discounts rolled out faster. We are asking candidates to pledge their support for:

1. FAIR TTC FUNDING: Fairly fund the TTC with a $1.50-per-ride subsidy, so riders get better service and lower fares.

2. LOWER TTC FARES: Fund lower fares for all,* including the next phases of the low income transit Fair Pass. The Fair Pass discounts TTC fares to $2 and monthly passes to $115.50. The first phase is funded and provides the discount to people receiving OW and ODSP, and the next phases will provide the same discount to people receiving housing and childcare subsidies, then to all other people living on low incomes. 

3. BETTER TTC SERVICE: Fund better TTC service, including the Express Bus Network Plan, the Ridership Growth Strategy, and 10-minutes-or-better service on all routes. Fund a fully accessible TTC.

4. KEEP TRANSIT PUBLIC: Keep the TTC publicly owned, operated, and maintained, and reject the provincial upload of the subway.  

5. RAPID PUBLIC TRANSIT: Fund and build a publicly-owned rapid transit network, prioritizing sensible, cost-effective projects that serve the most riders and underserved neighbourhoods. 

*TTCriders and the Fair Fare Coalition are calling for free TTC for people who receive social assistance and on extreme weather alert days, $50 passes and $1 fares for all other low income transit riders, and lower fares for all. 

Take action for better TTC:

  1. Pledge your support for the Respect for Riders demands.
  2. Download copies of the Respect for Riders postcard and petition. Email [email protected] or call 647-775-8185 to request copies. 
  3. Join TTCriders today to build the grassroots power of transit riders. 

Where do your candidates stand on transit?

  1. Ask your candidates if they support funding better service and lower fares and keeping the TTC public. Find an all-candidates event near you HERE
  2. Download the Respect for Riders candidate pledge. We are asking all candidates to pledge their support before October 12, 2018, and will be posting the completed pledges on our website.

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Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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